Nithya was eating grapes. It was much sore than usual but she loved it. Vishal sat beside her peeling off the grapes' skin. Hari brought her chocolate milk which is her favorite.
" you are spoiling her a lot " priya said to both the guys who were treating her like a fragile doll.
" oh come on... she is our baby... our baby is carrying her baby so we should treat her like a princess " Hari said feeding her the chocolate milk. Priya shook her head at their antics.
" where is my little sister " Atharv entered the home with fruits and snacks in his hands.
" Two wasn't enough... now another one has joined " Priya said facepaming herself.
" That's my elder sister " Nithin entered along with him pushing him aside.
" wow... its feels amazing to see you guys fighting for me " Nithya said laughing while Vishak fed jer another piece of grapes smiling.
" vekkama illa maamiyar veetula ukanthu sapdura ( Don't you feel ashamed to be in your in laws home ) " Atharv tried to pile up Vishak. To his dismay Vishak was cool and he did not mind him.
" If your sister wasn't ashamed to be in my home then... why would I be " Vishak asked him in return. Atharv did not have an answer for that question. Nithya smiled widely at Vishak's answer.
" come here " she asked him to come near her. He came closer to her. She turned his face kissed him on his cheek. Atharv and Nithin gaged seeing their romance.
" I'm glad I got you as my husband " she said smiling at him.
" Atharv you should keep on-going with these remarks " Vishak said to Atharv.
" Why should I " He asked him.
" So that I could get as many as kisses like these from your lovely sister " Vishak said with a smirk. Atharv took an apple from the fruits he brought and threw at Vishak. He caught it at right time and winked at him.
" I don't like him at all " Atharv said to Nithya.
" Its too late now because I love him and soon your neice and nephew are going to come too. You should have thought about that before marriage and now we are way past that " Nithya said rummaging into the bag Atharv brought for her.
".... " Atharv gaped at her.
" You were the one who refused to marry him at any cost do remember that " Atharv said folding his hands on his chest.
" If I had got my hands on you at that time na .... " Hari said to Atharv who smiled sleepishly at him.
" But now she won't even leave me if you blackmail her. She is locked with me in my live forever " Vishak said touching her baby bump.
" I can't bare his cheesy remarks... how are you people coping up with that " Atharv asked experated.
" Ellam vidhi ( its our fate ) " Priya mumbled.
" As if you are not romancing with appa" Nithya remarked. Priya left from there because she knew that now her daughter is going to drag her into their banter.
" As father so is daughter " she mumbled quietly.
Atharv sat beside Nithya holding her hands as everyone got involved in their conversation.
Later in the evening....
Vishak was feeding Nithya her favorite pal payasam ( milk pudding / kheer) . Ashwin entered the room smiling at her.
" finally the officer found time for you Nithya " Vishak said looking at him. Ashwin smiled sleepishly. Vishak got an important call so he left from there.
" How is the baby " Ashwin asked her.
" Doing good " She replied stroking her bump.
" May I " he asked her permission for feeding her the milk pudding that Vishak left behind.
" You don't have to ask " she said giving him permission. He started feeding her . Vishak stayed outside the room as he felt they needed this time.
Soon Swathi, Dev Atharv and Nithin came to meet Nithya. But they saw Vishak standing outside. They wanted to tease him but they changed their mind seeing change in his demour.
They stood out along with him listening to their conversation.
" Any progress in your relationship with Kavya " Nithya asked him. Ashwin stayed quiet.
" I'm trying my level best but can't go all the way through" he said chuckling sadly.
" Ashwin..... you are such an idiot. Don't feel guilty of anything.... remember that we weren't meant for eachother since the beginning....... and Kavya she is such a gem. You never spoiled anything in my life.... you just made it more brighter " she said trying to intimidate him.
" When Dev and Swathi are going to know the real reason behind our break up ...they are gonna hate me don't they " He asked tried to hide away his tears.
" No one is going to hate you.... look we are family we stand beside eachother through thick and thin. " Nithya said as she took his hand in her.
" you should despise me Nini... I betrayed you.... I betrayed your trust , love and hope.... Why don't you just behave like a normal girl hate me... scold me.. hit me.. " Ashwin asked her desperately.
" I can never hate you Ashwin.... Even if you kill me right now I would die peacefully " She said smiling.
" That day before being shot by Appa... I remember his words he said he regretted adopting me.... Do know those words never hurted me because I know those words just came out of frustration. As a normal person I should have made a big fuss out of that but I didn't....
Because years back I ran away from my home and you brought me back.... made me realize how much my parents love me than their own biological children.." Nithya said to him.
Hari who was about to enter Nithya's room stilled hearing her words. No one knew Nithya has pulled out such stunt. Hari staggered back but Atharv and Vishak holded him....
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