Vishak was waiting for Nithya. He did not go to office today as he want to accompany Nithya to hospital to confirm their doubts. Even Swathi took a leave as had completed a big case.
" Maama ... aren't you going to office today " Swathi asked Vishak as she saw he wasn't dressed the way he used to go to office.
" no ma me and your sister are going out.... look she is there " He said looking at Nithya who was coming towards him smiling.
" hmmm... going on a Date aam enjoy enjoy " Swathi teased the couples.
" podi ( it's a way of saying go away ) " Nithya said pushing her away. Swathi smiled at them teasingly as they went outside.
" Be chill " Vishak said to Nithya as he could feel her being tensed.
" It's just you know.... sometimes when my period gets late I use to get my hopes high but then I would get my periods within few day.... so now.... I'm just getting scared... what if.... what if.... " Nithya trembled.
" Hey ..... hey..... don't think anything negatively..... let's be positive.... keep your mind blank " Vishak said holding her hands and kissed her knuckles.
" why didn't you tell me about your dilemma " he asked her.
" I don't want you to get worried " she mumbled looking at her lap.
" You know na you can share anything and everything with me " Vushak asked.
" Yeah.... but it was just .... I don't want to get your hopes high like me and get it destroyed within seconds " she said sighing.
" don't worry we are in this together " he said smiling at her. She smiled back
They reached and hospital and waited for their turn. They went inside as the nurse called them.
" So Mrs. Nithya what's your problem " The doctor asked her.
" we want to check our pregnancy doctor. " Vishak answered on behalf of Nithya.
" So can we go for sonogram " the doctor asked asked to which the couple answered positively.
The doctor placed the probe on Nithya's bare stomach. Nithya holded Vishak's hand tightly for emotional support. He held it firmly.
" look over there .... that's your baby " the doctor said pointing towards the baby in the screen.
" By looking at the growth of the baby I'm sure you are on your second trimester Nithya " The doctor said smiling at the couple.
" Thank you doctor... " Vishak thanked the doctor while Nithya stayed quiet.
After that they came back to their car. Noticing Nithya's quietness Vishak took her to the nearby park.
He took her near a bench and sat their quietly. Nithya looped her hand around his arm and laid her head on his shoulder staying quiet.
" I have been waiting for this day so long " Nithya said breaking the silence.
" you never told me.... you wanted a kid this bad " Vishak asked her.
" what would have you done if I have told " she asked him.
" may be I would have tried harder, faster in different positions which would have helped early " Vishak said trying to ease her mind. Nithya turned towards him in shocked
" Chi chi.. you always think about this " Nithya said trying to hide her blushing face from him.
" what ....I'm saying the truth " Vishak said laughing at her condition.
" I'm leaving from here or else you won't let me be in peace " Nithya said leaving from there. Vishak followed her smiling.
The couples decided to inform their family about this the next day. So they decided to stay quiet.
At night Nithya was craving for ice cream, so she decided to go to the kitchen without disturbing Vishak. When Vishak tried to hug Nithya in sleep he felt her side empty. So he decided to check Nithya outside.
He saw Nithya hiding so he went behind her and hugged her from behind. Nithya was startled at first then she calmed down.
" what are you looking seriously " Vishak asked her. Nithya motioned him to look at the other side. Vishal and Swathi were kissing eachother.
" great job.... you are recording it Wifey " Vishak said to Nithya kissing her cheeks. She kissed him in return.
" Its time for my entry " Vishak mumbled wickedly. Nithya tried to stop him but he went before she could.
" don't you guys have your bedroom for kissing " Vishak asked scaring the couple. Swathi pushed Vishal and jumped down ducking herself down trying to hide her away from the embarrassment.
" I hate you " Vishal said irritated trying to decipher that his wife pushed him away.
" I love you too... now get out It's my time to romance with my wife " Vishak said pulling Nithya beside him.
" ohhh now don't have the bedroom " Vishal asked him. Swathi pinched his leg trying to stop him but he did not pay heed.
" I have... but still I will romance my wife where ever I want and Swathi I can let you guys use the other side of the kitchen if you guys want..." Vishak said teasing Swathi who hasn't come out of the hiding place. She covered her face in embarrassment.
Before Vishal could retort Swathi stood up and pulled him out of the kitchen or .... literally ran out of the kitchen. The couples laughed at them heartily.
" you love pulling his legs don't you " Nithya asked vishak.
" I can't let him go that easily.... you know why " Vishak said as a matter of fact. Nithya shook her head at him.
" you should have woke me up you know " Vishak asked pouting like a baby.
" its just ice cream... and its available in the fridge so need to worry purusha ( husband )" Nithya said taking out the ice cream.
Both had it enjoying their time with eachother....
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