Nithya shoved Vishak's shoulder playfully as they walked side by side. He laughed at her antics but still he pulled her close to him by wrapping his arms around her. But she hit him on his chest.
" Idiot now I'm running late because of you" she said glaring at him.
" How can I let go off my wife when she is insatiable " he said winking at her.
" Its not you but me who is running late for office " she said sighing.
" I told you to take leave today na " he said as a matter of fact.
" ofcourse why won't you say . Mr. listen you own your company but I'm working under someone " she said equally as a matter of fact.
He raised his arms as in case of surrendering to her since he cannot win the argument against her.
As they went down almost every one have had their breakfast other than Swathi who is especially there to tease them.
Though she tried her best Vishak did not let her tease them. He doesn't want his wife to be flushed because of him.
Swathi glared at Vishak for not letting her tease her sister in turn he showed his tounge teasing her. She picked up the fork and threw it at him which dodged carefully and raised his invisible collar.
" Stop fighting like children both of you " Nithya told both of them to which they never paid attention. Vishak treated Swathi as a sister whom he never had so the silly fights are meant to happen.
The bell rang which stopped their little bickering. Swathi went to open the door to find her Senior Officer Ashwin .
" Is there something emergency sir " she asked not understanding why her sir was at her home.
" silly girl.. you forget about the case file didn't you " he asked her flicking her head.
" OMG " she said face palming herself.
" come inside sir I will bring it soon ..... yes yes I forgot where I kept it so I need to search for it so please spare me from your scoldings " she pleaded folding her hands. Ashwin smiled at her antics.
She took him inside and made him sit on the couch in the hall.
" Akka , Maama please help me .... just keep talking to him until I find the file " she said in hushed voice and ran towards her room.
Nithya smiled looking at the person in the hall.
" hey " they said simultaneously.
" Hi " Vishak told Aswin and they smiled at eachother.
" Have you had your breakfast " Vishak asked him politely.
" Yes and I'm just on my way back to home " Ashwin replied politely
" I will drop you Nithya. You are getting late " Vishak said looking at his watch.
" But Swathi said ..." Nithya started to say something.
" Let her deal with her senior and get some scoldings " he said wickedly.
" You know you are cruel " she replied. Ashwin smiled heartily at their conversation. As Nithya and Vishak left Swathi brought the file too and got her part of scolding too.
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