Kavya was running back and forth to the kitchen and room preparing the food and scolding the father and daughter duo as both weren't getting out of the shower for more than two hours.
" Nithu I'm giving 10 minutes if you don't get out of water then I will drag you out and make you attend extra tution class " Kavya said entering the room with her hands on her hips.
" I'm out.. I'm out " Nithyashree said coming out drenched in water.
" don't come out like this. Ask that father of yours to get ready soon or else both of you are gonna be late " Kavya said the last part loudly.
" why do you always keep on threatening me Amma. You never scold Appa.... its me who is always getting the double dose " Nithyashree said pouting while Ashwin came out of the bathroom and started drying her hair with a smile on his face.
" what double dose " Kavya asked confused. Ashwin snorted lightly making sure kavya did not notice him.
" The scolding dosage that is meant for Appa which you always give me without even thinking... " Ashwin deliberately wiped her face so that she would stop her ranting.
" you.... " Kavya began but Ashwin who understood that both his women are going to start their never ending fight intrupted kavya.
" Kavya I'm hungry " Ashwin said trying to divert her. Kavya looked at him and just turned back and went out.
Ashwin sighed inaudibly . He picked up his daughter and placed her on the table and started dressing her.
" why do you always never let go off the chance to fight your Amma " Ashwin asked Nithyashree trying to be stren.
" You won't know the essence of fighting with Amma unless you begin one with her Appa." The little girl said looking at the mirror combing her hair. Ashwin shook his head smiling at her antics.
Soon he got her ready and took her to the dining room to have food. Kavya has already placed the food in their plates.
As she was about to leave to the kitchen to take something Ashwin holded her hand halting her steps.
" I have already told you Kavya... have food with us . Do I always have to remind you this each and every time " Ashwin said with a bit of anger in his tone. Kavya lowered her head and sat on the chair and started having food.
" Amma always behaves like a good and calm girl infront of you Appa.... don't ever fall for her antics " Nithyashree said chewing her food.
Kavya discreetly glared at her daughter while Ashwin looked at the mother and daughter duo amused.
Soon Ashwin left to his office while the school bus picked up Nithyashree.
Kavya entered the bathroom to bath and saw the bathroom disoriented in its worst way. She cleaned everything scolding both her husband and daughter every single time she picked up something.
Finally she bathed and came out and their family photo in the wall .
" I know I don't have a mother in law but now I have in the form of my daughter who is torturing me every single day " kavya said irritated.
Soon her irritation changed into smile.
" still I love you so much " she said giving a flying kiss to her picture......
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